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Shop the best XOTIC audio effects pedals

Shop cheap XOTIC electric guitar pedals and audio accessories only at the Northeast Music Center Inc.



Xotic Effects Super Clean Buffer


Available now at Northeast Music Center!   The Xotic Super Clean Buffer is designed especially with the purest guitar player "plug straight into a great amp" in mind. The SCB is incorporated with a high performance Class A Preamplifier built...


Xotic Effects Super Sweet Booster


The Super Sweet Boost offers a dynamic and transparent +20dB Clean Boost perfectly tuned for transferring the articulation of your guitar playing. The SSB is incorporated with a high performance Class A preamp built around the famous JRC 4558 Chip...


Xotic SP Compressor Pedal


» The new Xotic SP Compressor offers the same OTA (operational transconductance amplifier) technology used in what many guitar players consider the best compressor ever, the Ross Compressor. » Our new SP Compressor has superb tone quality...


Xotic Effects EP Booster

$145.00 $130.00

What do the tones of renowned guitarist such as Page, EVH and Johnson have in common? They all used the legendary echo machine EP-3 as a pre-amp.          We've captured that magic in a new Xotic Effects pedal, the...